Knowledge graphs integrate diverse data sources into a single graph structure, and add semantic interpretation to data. This makes them the ideal knowledge representation format for large language models, which can learn domain semantics from knowledge graphs. - So, how to create knowledge graphs? With our SmartGraph framework, this can be done automatically, with no involvement and very reasonable prices for our customers.
Get high-quality training and test data, in easily consumable formats, cleansed and based on your project's domain material.
KG's are key when it comes to enhancing your models with precise, trustworthy information, supporting inferences. We help you build targeted KGs based on your customer's domain specific data.
Don't drown in mass amounts of text - our customizable extractors get the key information values out of large corpora!
We can help you with all kinds of NLP. Working with your customer's natural language material, we can do transformation, extraction, cleansing, normalization and many other tasks on your data.
Compositionality brings LLM's towards formal semantics
The "Enkeltrick": Inferential LLM Capabilities with a Knowledge Graph (KG)
The Information Extraction (IE) Manifesto
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