Our Service Offerings

TextVerstehen helps you to improve your natural language interfaces: Making them more robust, more effective, more reliant, less biased and check their compliance with public regulations.

NLP Architecture

Customer communication should be a central element in your enterprise architecture. Find out how to make cost-effective use of the existing resources when using best-breed NLP technology. 

Select an ML technology

Whether your task is classification or question answering, or translation: It's not just about selecting a good, or appropriate ML or model building algorithm, it's also about ways to test and continuously improve it. 

Training data workshop

We will work with you on building training and test data sets from your or your customer's text corpora. The workshop will build a practice that you and your team can follow for the time to come. 

Check data quality

Whether we deliver data products or work with data that you supply: We will check very carefully parameters such as the spread, uniqueness, or consistency of these data. Finally, quality of data is what the effectiveness of your modeling mostly depends on. 

Improve your model's effectiveness

Natural language models seen by your customers must provide quality: We from TextVerstehen can help you to monitor the functional range of your models, and to enlarge the domain of its answering or classification capabilities. 

Ensure your model's compliance

Public regulations such as GDPR, or the upcoming EU AI Act come with significant penalties in case of non-compliance. We help you to ensure that your NLP solution complies with these regulations. 

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